About Fusion’s Growth Services

Fusion specializes in accelerating growth of service providers by focusing on:

  • measurably improving cash flow and operating income,
  • turbo-charging brand management and marketing strategy, and
  • aligning senior management teams to accomplish the business owner’s goals.

A highlight of our initial interactions with new portfolio companies is the Business Model Canvas Workshop – a fun and engaging activity led by Fusion team members that allows business owners to:

  • Uncover hidden value (cost savings and/or revenue growth) in their business model;
  • Tease out the core elements of why customers choose their brand; and
  • Align the company’s team in a focused mission to improve firm performance

Watch the following video for more information on the Business Model Canvas:

Client Example: Early in 2012, a Fusion client was contemplating the launch of new service offerings in order to move their business from low price network infrastructure services to more complex cyber security IT services. Obviously, if executed well, the new service offerings promised to increase revenue but the change also came with the risk of spreading themselves too thinly. Before investing their time and energy in the new direction, they asked Fusion to provide a quick workshop which would get them off to the right start, validate their thinking, and avoid making costly mistakes.

Results: Fusion conducted a quick and fun workshop with the President and Operations Manager using the Business Model Canvas as a tool. In a very short amount of time, the combined team (2 client representatives and 3 Fusion associates) worked as an integrated team to clarify the value propositions that should be communicated in their sales materials, defined the sales channels that would provide the highest ROI, and defined the key aspects of their brand that would demonstrate to customers that they provided an end-to-end solution. An electronic version of the new business model canvas was delivered to them and the hard copy of the model still hangs in the President’s office as a constant reminder of what to focus on – and what rabbit holes to avoid.

For more information about Fusion Ventures’ growth acceleration services, see our sister website: www.fusiongrowthpartners.com.