Venture Investing
Fusion Ventures provides investment resources for promising organizations which address important social needs.
We provide these services in 3 primary ways:
Capital Investment – Fusion invests seed and growth capital in innovative organizations in exchange for an equity position the venture
Value-Added Investment – Fusion will occasionally provide Advisory, Interim Executive and other services in exchange for sweat equity in a particular venture or company
Joint Venture Construction – Fusion has been instrumental in building unique, mutually beneficial joint ventures around promising new businesses and ideas. These consortiums are frequently comprised of: capital sources, value-added service providers, channel partners and domain experts. Through collaboration each member of the joint venture is able to achieve far more, and at a much faster pace, than they would if they were to go it alone.
Our philosophy is to be a value-added investor to every company in our portfolio.
Please contact us for a copy of our investment thesis.