Advisory Services

Fusion Ventures delivers advisory services focused on helping organizations bring innovative ideas to market.  


Fusion Ventures is not your average consulting firm.

We have developed our service offerings to ensure that both established organizations and start-ups can leverage our expertise.

To do this we have broken our services down into 2 categories:

Short Term Services are designed to be brief, lower-cost engagements which focus on burning issues plaguing large and small organizations alike. These services tend to be completed in 1-3 days.

Longer Term Engagements are more in-depth projects and require extended involvement from Fusions consultants and advisors.  These engagements tend to range in length from 1 week to several months.

Short-Term Services Which Address Urgent Client Needs:

Addressing Burning Issue – Fusion offers low cost engagements that help advisory clients with a range of issues including generating income, attracting investment and more. 

High Level Strategic Planning – We have developed a programs that help advisory clients analyze a business opportunities and develop the tangible materials needed to attract the required support and resources. 

Developing Customer-Focused Products and Services Fusion offers workshops that explore, in detail, the job a client’s customers are trying to get done.  These programs help our advisory clients innovate in order to provide a customer-focused solution that truly differentiates them from their competitors. 

Business Model Development Workshops that help clients invent (or re-invent) a business model that complements an innovative idea. 

Longer Term Engagements Which Tackle Larger Strategic Issues

Business Plan Development – Fusion helps new ventures write outstanding business plans which effectively position companies for funding and acquisition

Strategic Planning – Fusion helps companies both large and small create innovative and actionable strategic plans

Interim Executive Services – Fusion provides clients with interim executives and managers to lead a business opportunity or project on behalf of the company. 

Developing Organizational Entrepreneurship – Fusion Ventures provides organizational development services which help clients and portfolio companies foster innovation and continuously bring great ideas to market. 


Click here to view more on how Fusion Services Accelerate the Growth of New Ventures